
Skype Hack: How To Snoop Into Someone’s Skype Account?

Snoop Skype Account

Skype is a widely used tool for communication across the globe. A lot of companies are using Skype business to internally communicate with their employees. Likewise, it is being used to make long distance phone calls and send messages. While Skype has a number of positive uses, it has some negative aspects too. What if it is being misused? In such cases, checking the Skype chats of someone may become a necessity. Let’s have a look at some genuine reasons how Skype can be misused and why would you need to snoop into someone’s account.

For Whom Skype Snoop is Necessary?

For Employer

Snoop Employees Skype

  • You may think your colleagues are discussing work but if they are merely chit-chatting with each other, then it’s a problem. Of course, you cannot stop the employees to bond with each other but you can always control the unnecessary conversations.
  • Sometimes, employees are found making personal calls to friends and family. Taking personal calls may be allowed during the lunch break, but not all the time. Employees often go overboard with this ease, especially when they know their boss would never find out about it.
  • There are some employees who may be delivering confidential data to a third party behind your back. You cannot really tell from a distance whether they are engaged in business conversations or some corrupt practices.

For parents

Snoop Child Skype Account

Video calling and sharing photos are commonly happening these days. Your teen can easily become a victim of cyberbullying if you don’t keep an eye on what he/she is doing. There is a lot more that can be shared via Skype. For example, your child might also be sharing pictures or sending messages to a random person. Such misuse can lead to emotional distress later and cause a lot of problems in your teen’s life.

For spouse

Hack Spouse Skype Account

Your spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend might need a little check. Technology has made infidelity really easy. You never know when they might slip. You might see them online on Skype all the time and wonder who they are talking to. After all, it is easy to share pictures and videos through Skype.

In all these cases, the only way to find out the truth is to look into the Skype account. Whatever the reason you need to look into someone’s skype account, the only thing will stop you is the fact that you don’t have their Skype password. Even if you attempt to guess the password, Skype will notify them to change their password. Now you wouldn’t want that, right? Before you lose hope, what if I tell you there is a possibility you can still snoop into their skype account? Yes, it is possible! No, you won’t have to look for a hacker to do this. All you need is a good phone monitoring app like

How Skype Hack Works?

Now let’s look into how you can snoop into their Skype account using XNSPY:

  • It begins with downloading the app, installing it in the “target device” and then remotely sneaking into the Skype conversations. For both, the Androids and iPhones, the app needs to be installed on the target device. The entire installation process takes not more than 5 minutes. You can find all the installation details on their website.
  • Log into the XNSPY control panel from your PC/laptop or from xnspy dashboard app for smartphone, by entering your credentials to gain access to the target device. The dashboard is pretty self-explanatory so, you will figure out how to use it in no time.
  • All the Skype conversations will be all in front of you. Even if you are reading the chats or switching from one contact’s conversation to another, the other person won’t even have a clue. All this will be happening remotely.
  • All the call logs and conversations that happened prior to the installation of XNSPY on the target device and have not been deleted yet will be uploaded to your XNSPY account too. XNSPY creates a backup of the messages and call logs so even if the messages are deleted, you can still retrieve them (if only their backup was created).


See how simple everything is? XNSPY works in stealth mode. The person you are spying on will not even know that this phone monitoring app is on their device. You will be monitoring all their activities without even holding their smartphone. Who needs hacking when you have a monitoring app by your side? Even if you are not a tech savvy person, this way of snooping into someone’s Skype account will be at your fingertips.

Article written by Rachit Mangi

Hey, fellas! This is Rachit Mangi, co-founder and administrator of Tricks N Tech. He is a Computer Engineer by degree and a passionate blogger by heart. He likes to code sometimes. He is fond of watching movies and cricket. He loves to travel to new places.

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